The Facelift That Your Kratom Products Deserve
It’s been 6 years since we launched Super Speciosa and shipped our first order to Nick in Strongsville, Ohio (thanks Nick! 😂 He will probably never see this 😞). Is it cheesy to say that it feels like it was only yesterday? It does. After moving and expanding into 3 different warehouses, adding dozens of like-minded individuals to our team, shipping a million plus bags of Maeng Da, and learning more than we could ever imagine about kratom, we’re ready for something new. This might be the scariest thing we have ever done. If we have learned anything about our customers over these last few years, it's that you appreciate consistency and knowing what to expect. At one point during this process we were going to change our name from Super Speciosa to Super Leaf. We sure are happy that we ended up scrapping that idea!
Without further ado, this little snapshot is a preview of our refreshed look. The logo is a bit more mature looking, but we're hanging on to the same old Super script. We're introducing some color, but our packaging still has the trademark hand drawn kratom leaves and flowers. Our bags are bolder and more durable. The full brand refresh includes an updated look on our website which will become visible in the next few days. Some functional changes to the website in the coming months will include even more transparency into our kratom products, allowing you to make the best decision in securing the best kratom on earth.
Please be patient with us as we go through this transition. You may be surprised when you open your next package. It's possible you'll receive products with the "old look" and product with the "new look" within the same order. This isn't because you are getting old product that's been sitting around our warehouse! It's because we have "old" look packaging materials that we are still using and we don't want them to go to waste.
We’ve made some updates to our strain names, too.
Premium Bali will now be Green Bali. Our intention was to eliminate some of the confusion we have heard over the years. “Is it a green, white, or a red? Is it the best strain you offer?” For those of you who are unfamiliar with this strain, yes, it was green! But no, it was not the “best” strain we offer (objectively speaking). Like all of our kratom products, a lot of hard work went into making Premium Bali one of the best kratom products on the market. And so it will continue to be that way...We will simply swap the “Premium” for “Green”. However, if you’re looking for the cream of the crop there’s only one product that we favor over all others.. and that leads us to our next point...
Our signature strain, Super Speciosa, is changing to Signature Reserve.It was a bit confusing that our signature product was also the same name as our brand (although many of our Facebook Group members disagreed). This name made a lot of sense to us when we first started the brand six years ago but now we find ourselves needing to clarify what we mean when we talk about how great this particular product is. From this point forward, our most premium batches of naturally high mitragynine kratom (at least 1.4%) will be used to make Signature Reserve. It’s the same exact kratom, just a different name and look. Signature Reserve is perfect for the experienced kratom user, due to its strong effects. Just a small serving can go a long way. Like the new name entails, only the strongest batches are used in this particular product, making it one of the most unique kratom products on the market.
As far as what’s inside the packaging, that will never change! It will still be the same product you all love—lab tested, unadulterated, unaltered, natural, and clean kratom. Super Speciosa will never compromise its quality standards.
Looking forward to the next 6 years!
- Ken, Aaron and the Super Speciosa Team
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