An Update on Our Kratom Capsules
Hey, Super Speciosa family! We have an update for you regarding our capsules
Starting at the end of August, our vegan capsules have been replaced with gelatin capsules. We are posting this now to explain this decision and keep you, our customers, in the loop—and so our vegan customers know how they can continue to consume Super Speciosa’s other vegan products.
We ultimately made this decision to improve our production process, be as efficient as possible, and avoid raising the prices on the products you love. We strive to keep our prices the most competitive on the market for our customers. Using gelatin capsules will help us to keep producing our products in an efficient and cost effective way—and to keep your prices low.
Here are the details.
Supply chains have affected everyone in recent times, and we here at Super Speciosa are no exception. In our case, supply chain issues with pullulan have made it difficult and at times impossible to keep things in stock. Higher prices on pullulan are not going away anytime soon, and it is getting tougher to source.
What’s pullulan?
Pullulan is a naturally occurring, edible, bland and tasteless polymer. It is sourced from fungi grown on a starch substrate. That is what we made our vegan capsules from—a fermented tapioca starch and water mixture.
Natural pullulan capsules are a relatively new generation type of high-class capsule that meets the growing market demand for more natural and vegetable products—but only when they are available! Unfortunately, getting enough pullulan reliably is now impossible, so we needed to make a few tough decisions.
We hope you understand our reasoning behind this! If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out at
Are you vegan or vegetarian, or just cannot take gelatin capsules? Try our tablets instead! They are 100% vegan, made with only one ingredient: kratom.
Super Speciosa kratom tablets are even easier to swallow than capsules. And you’ll love our lower pricing on 1 kilogram options, for those who both love to save money and relax! For now our tablets are available in 3 strains, but they’re coming to market in the rest of our popular strains soon, too!
We appreciate your continuous support, and will continue to produce high quality kratom for you all!
The Super Speciosa Team
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