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Kratom Pronunciation


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Kratom Pronunciation


Even if you’re already a fan, have you ever wondered how to pronounce kratom?

It turns out “how to pronounce Kratom” is actually the subject of some debate.

Whether you love our products as a powder, as tea, or capsules, you may be wondering about the pronunciation. Read on to learn the word’s origin, the different ways to pronounce kratom, and the definitive answer to the right way to pronounce kratom once and for all.

Origins of Kratom

It probably won’t surprise you to learn that “Kratom” was originally a Thai word. Kratom strains have names like Malay and Maeng da Kratom that originate in Southeast Asia. But even the English pronunciation of kratom varies pretty significantly.

Because kratom grows in multiple Southeast Asian countries, there are multiple local names for it throughout Southeast Asia. “Kratom” sounds a little different in Myanmar, Indonesia, and Vietnam than in Thailand.

The most common pronunciation in Malaysia is ketum, with the R silent, rhyming with “get ‘em!” The pronunciation kruh-tome is more common in Thailand. A third way of pronouncing kratom is KEYtum, the first half like the key in a lock (still no r sound).

Scientific Name

Of course, you don’t need to use the word kratom at all. The scientific name for this plant is Mitragyna speciosa (pronounced MEE-tra-guy-nuh SPE-shee-oh-suh) or M. speciosa. This tropical evergreen tree is known in scientific circles for its alkaloids, which produce its effects in the body.

So What’s the Correct English Pronunciation of Kratom?

Fair enough: we’re in the USA now, so what about English pronunciation? Confusingly, there are at least three accepted English pronunciations of kratom: KRAT-um, KRAH-tum, and KRAY-tum. All three emphasize the first syllable.

The first English pronunciation of kratom uses the short vowel sound that rhymes with “cat” and emphasizes the first syllable: KRAT-um. (In other words, it rhymes with atom or madam.) This is among the most common ways to pronounce kratom.

Another version compromises, making the vowel sound rhyme with “raw”, KRAH-tum.

And KRAY-tum is just like it looks: the long a sound, emphasis on the first syllable. It rhymes with Tatum. This is the most popular American English way to pronounce kratom.

So which one is the correct way to pronounce kratom? Both appear in the Oxford Dictionary although it fails to make a ruling. Well, if what kratom industry insiders think matters to you, for example the American Kratom Association, go with the KRAY-tum pronunciation.

Final Thoughts on How to Pronounce ‘Kratom’

You know, we feel like American kratom users are really not that picky about pronunciation. But quality botanicals matter—that’s why they buy from Super Speciosa.

Still, we appreciate the way our customers have an eye for an authentic product. Even veteran kratom consumers might disagree on the “real” pronunciation of kratom, so all of our time is better spent actually enjoying the product.