Missouri Passes Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA) - Here’s What You Should Know About It
Exciting kratom news out of the “Show-Me” state! Missouri is the eighth state to pass the Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA), and state legislators have sent the bill to the governor, who is expected to sign it into law.
What Is the Kratom Consumer Protection Act Exactly?
In essence, the KCPA is just what it sounds like - a bill that protects consumers against unsafe kratom products. Additionally, it helps protect access to kratom so that consumers are able to purchase it, while regulating the kratom industry so that consumers are able to purchase safe products.
SB 774 goes into effect in Missouri as of August 28, establishing the Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA). It states, “Any dealer, as such term is defined in the act, preparing, distributing, selling, or exposing for sale a food represented to be a kratom product shall disclose on the product label the factual basis upon which the representation is made. Such dealer shall not prepare, distribute, sell, or expose for sale a kratom product: (1) adulterated with a dangerous non-kratom substance, including a substance that affects the quality or strength of the kratom product so as to render the product injurious to a consumer; (2) contaminated with a dangerous non-kratom substance, including a substance that is poisonous or otherwise deleterious; (3) containing a level of 7-hydroxymitragynine in the alkaloid fraction that is greater than 2% of the alkaloid composition of the product; (4) containing any synthetic alkaloids; or (5) does not include on its package or label the amount of mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine contained in the product.”
Furthermore, the act declares that kratom products cannot be distributed, sold, or exposed for sale to anyone under the age of 18. Any violations of the act result in a Class D misdemeanor and opens the door for civil suits should an aggrieved party choose to make a claim for damages if a dealer violates the law.

Why Should Kratom Be Protected? What Is Kratom, Anyway?
A member of the Rubiaceae family, kratom should be protected because it’s a natural plant that offers many wellness benefits. Used for centuries in Southeast Asia, it has historically been used to increase energy and promote overall health.
From the same family of flowering plants as coffee, Mitragyna speciosa, commonly known as kratom, is a tropical tree found in Malaysia, Myanmar, New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand, and some parts of Africa.
Why Is the Fight to Protect Kratom Through KCPAs and Other Means Imperative?
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) initially issued an import alert on kratom in 2012. The FDA has since taken numerous actions against imported kratom over the last decade. Millions of dollars worth of kratom have been seized by the agency due to the belief that kratom poses a safety concern.
Why does the FDA believe this to be the case? Because this plant “affects the same opioid brain receptors as morphine, appears to have properties that expose users to the risks of addiction, abuse, and dependence,” according to the FDA website.
When the FDA issues an import alert, it hurts the economy. Consumers pay higher prices to make up for the additional expense that importers are subjected to, such as testing, processing, and storage of the product by the government. Exporting companies to the US may stay on the FDA’s list for decades, and many are unnecessarily placed on alert.
But, is it necessary? Is the kratom news that it is unsafe baseless?
The risk of psychological or physical dependence from the kratom plant that the FDA warns against is not based on science. According to PinneyAssociates, a regulatory consulting firm, “Evidence does not support the conclusion that kratom is an imminent public health threat or that it is fueling the opioid and drug overdose epidemic <...>”
Additionally, a kratom study led by University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) and The University of British Columbia (UBC) researchers was published online by Drug and Alcohol Dependence journal in December 2017 was based on a review of 57 years of scientific evidence across the globe.
Lead author, Associate Professor in URMC’s Department of Psychiatry, Marc T. Swogger, PhD stated, “This study clarifies that there is no good scientific basis for claims that kratom causes psychosis, suicide, or violence, and the available data do not indicate that kratom is a significant public health problem.”
Can kratom be harmful? Too much of any good thing can cause issues, even water, chocolate, or coffee. Excessive use of kratom can cause symptoms such as nausea, hypertension, drowsiness, irritability, and other side effects, so it’s important to follow the recommended dosage.
How Do Kratom Dealers Feel About Kratom Bans and the KCPA?
We’re thrilled about it! We’re happy to be a part of consumer protection, even if that means a few extra steps for us, so that everyone can feel confident in kratom products. We believe kratom regulations based on credible science are an important safety measure and have fought against kratom bans in order to keep safe products accessible.
At Super Speciosa, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality pure, unadulterated products and go above and beyond safety regulations to do so. Our Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) include third-party batch testing for quality and safety to minimize product defects. Providing the utmost transparency, each one of our packages has a QR code and batch number, so you can instantly see lab certificates and know that your product has been thoroughly tested.
In Other Kratom News, Kratom Bans in Several States Are Close to Being Overturned
Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin are three of the six states which have made kratom an illegal substance even though it is federally legal. But, they appear to be ready to overturn the kratom ban. That’s great news, but the fight continues in Alabama, Arkansas, and Indiana, as well as in states that are trying to criminalize the plant, including Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, Tennessee, Washington, and West Virginia.
You Deserve Transparency and Quality Kratom Products, So Help Us Support Safe Kratom
Recognized by the American Kratom Association as a GMP Qualified Vendor, Super Speciosa remains dedicated to supporting safe kratom products. You can help us continue to bring access to this healing plant and increase accessibility through overturned bans by supporting the fight through ProtectKratom.org.
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