Super Speciosa’s Top Kratom Strains for Energy and Focus
Kratom’s energizing effects are unparalleled. From a wave of energy and stimulation to hours of alertness and focus, kratom can give you the boost needed for any occasion. With the day-to-day chaos that can be overwhelming, energy and focus are becoming hard to achieve. Everything demanding our attention everywhere all at once is draining our mental focus and depleting our physical energy. This is why dietary supplements are becoming a staple for modern workaholics and wellness enthusiasts alike for their various health benefits including energy and focus. In this blog, you will discover Super Speciosa’s top kratom strains for energy and focus
History and Origin of Kratom
Kratom, also known as Mitragyna speciosa, is a dietary supplement that has taken the market by storm. Locals of Southeast Asia have been taking this natural herb for centuries to fight physical and mental fatigue in tough conditions.
Widespread use of kratom is still reported in the native lands of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand where locals chew the kratom leaves and also boil them to make tea. It is also known as kakuam, thom, ketum, or biak, by the natives.
About Super Speciosa
In 2016, our founders, Ken and Aaron, started Super Speciosa with a vision of ‘kratom with a conscience’, committed to providing high-quality, safe, and clean kratom products. Super Speciosa built a quality system from scratch, tailored specifically for kratom, to ensure the delivery of the best possible product to their customers.
Our pioneering approach includes the use of QR codes linked to up-to-date lab results for transparency and the grading of kratom based on the mitragynine content, providing customers with clear and accurate information about what they're purchasing.
Always open to feedback and dedicated to continuously improving our products and services, we value and appreciate each and every customer and thousand of customer reviews on our product pages reflect on our premium kratom products. Read the full story.
1. Signature Reserve
Strongest of them all, Super Speciosa’s reserve batches are exclusive and limited. Guaranteed to test at 1.4% Mitragynine or higher, this kratom strain isn’t one to easily knock off.
Features: Maximum potency, loads of energy to last all day.
Super Speciosa’s Signature Reserve Products
With naturally high mitragynine kratom, our Signature Reserve is the strongest variety of kratom we carry. Signature Reserve gives you an energy boost for the toughest days, from hiking to late-night emails and everything in between.
What Our Customers Say About Signature Reserve
“Signature Reserve is by far the best I have tried. I only need 3 capsules and within 45 minutes I get a boost in energy.”
- Lisa B.
“My experience using this signature reserve is amazing! The amazing energy kick you get with staying focused & mellow. It helps me get through long work days & weekends as well.”
- Cristian T.
2. Green Maeng Da
Green Maeng Da has one of the highest alkaloid profiles available at Super Speciosa. In Thai slang, Maeng Da means ‘Pimp Grade’, which caught on because of its alkaloid strength and strong aroma that carries with it vitality and energy.
Features: Green Maeng Da is potent and highly stimulating, has long-lasting effects, and is great for enhancing focus in your day.
Super Speciosa’s Green Maeng Da Products
A great starting point for beginners and a staple for seasoned enthusiasts. With focus and mood-boosting qualities, Green Maeng Da keeps you going all day long without the dreaded crash that comes with coffee or energy drinks.
- Green Maeng Da Kratom Powder
- Green Maeng Da Kratom Capsules
- Green Maeng Da Kratom Tablets
- Green Maeng Da Kratom Tea Bags
What Our Customers Say About Green Maeng Da
“This is a good one on the way to the gym. Nice during the day working energy too.”
- Casey J.
“Great product. Higher MIT % than the special reserve I bought. Will be using this as the daily driver. Long lasting focus and energy.”
- Charlotte A.
3. Green Malay
Green Malay is also another stimulating kratom strain that brings optimism and a go-getter attitude with its energy-boosting effects. Whether you have plans for the night or burning the midnight oil, this will perk you right up.
Features: Green Malay is milder in terms of the alkaloid content, increasing sociability and talkativeness, and can also keep you alert and focused on personal tasks such as long study sessions.
Super Speciosa’s Green Malay Products
From promoting a sense of calmness and enhancing your focus to helping you power through the workday, Green Malay provides a range of benefits and high energy levels that will help you improve many areas of your well-being.
What Our Customers Say About Green Malay
“This green gives a nice calm feeling with good energy. Nice balance!”
- Anonymous
“Provides a nice calming but energetic feeling for me, good quality and affordable. I like not worrying because I know this is a trusted product that is tested for purity and safety”
- Bobbi J.
4. Green Bali Kratom
If you have been prone to mid-day slumps, try Green Bali kratom to bring a calming focus to a hectic day.
Features: Green Bali is amazing for memory, focus, and concentration. A mild euphoric feeling in the beginning and long-lasting.
Super Speciosa’s Green Bali Kratom Products
Looking for a mid-day pick-me-up? Green Bali eases that tension and get you back in your groove.
- Green Bali Kratom Powder
- Green Bali Kratom Capsules
- Green Bali Kratom Tablets
- Green Bali On-The-Go Pack
What Our Customers Say About Green Bali
“Green Bali gives me the energy I need.”
- Kathy C.
“The Green Bali is a very smooth experience overall, excellent for lasting energy and taking tasks to the next level.”
5. White Maeng Da
Another morning supercharger for the early-risers White Maeng Da is euphoric in nature and very potent even at small serving sizes.
Features: White Maeng Da offers kick-ass potency, elevated mood, and high levels of euphoria and energy.
Super Speciosa’s White Maeng Da Kratom Products
Bring your mind into focus, enhance your sense of well-being, and prepare to take on the day with White Maeng Da.
- White Maeng Da Kratom Powder
- White Maeng Da Kratom Capsules
- White Maeng Da Kratom Tablets
- White Maeng Da Kratom Tea Bags
- White Maeng Da On-The-Go Pack
What Our Customers Say About White Maeng Da
“My favorite thing for mornings. This and a cup of coffee, and my morning is beautiful and positive. Even when the world is trying to take a dump on me.”
- Anonymous
“I drink this before my first cup of coffee takes away the fog.”
- Richard K.
6. White Thai
Super Speciosa’s White Thai kratom strain, also known as Mighty Motivator, is a morning supplement that will get you started with no fuss.
Features: White Thai makes kratom a breeze to take, lifts the mental fog, and gives you motivation and focus without any jitters.
Super Speciosa’s White Thai Kratom Products
With White Thai in your morning arsenal, kick-start your day with motivation, focus, and energy.
- White Thai Kratom Powder
- White Thai Kratom Capsules
- White Thai Kratom Tablets
- White Thai On-The-Go Pack
What Our Customers Say About White Thai
“White Thai is my favorite strain! It gives me energy and makes me feel so wonderful!!!”
- Kara C.
“White Thai gave me great focus and energy and even a meditative heightened sense of pleasure and well-being.”
How Super Speciosa's Top Kratom Strains for Energy and Focus are the Best in the Industry
Growing and Harvesting
Super Speciosa provides the highest quality kratom plant, sourced from the West Kalimantan region of Indonesia, which has the perfect climate and soil for alkaloid-rich kratom. The tropical evergreen trees can grow up to 100 feet tall, and their vibrant leaves are harvested at various stages of maturity. This results in different vein colors and alkaloid profiles. The leaves are then cleaned and dried, either under direct sunlight or indoors with UV lights. Learn more about our kratom operations.
Manufacturing Kratom
Once the kratom powder reaches our warehouse, it's assigned a lot number for traceability after a thorough inspection. All our kratom is finely milled and handled with care.
All our kratom is rigorously lab-tested by third-party labs for zero contaminants before being packaged by our in-house equipment that weighs and heat seals individual pouches to maximize cleanliness and minimize human contact with your goods. Taking these necessary precautions ensures our customers receive clean, safe, high-quality kratom.
All our kratom powder contains no fillers, synthetics, or additives. Super Speciosa is one of the American Kratom Association’s first GMP-qualified kratom vendors. By implementing the GMP guidelines, we are able to provide one of the highest quality kratom products in the industry. Learn more about Good Manufacturing Practices and why it’s so important.
How to Choose from Super Speciosa's Best Kratom Strains for Energy and Focus
Beware of the marketing gimmicks that many kratom brands do by introducing arbitrary names and colors. At Super Speciosa, we want our customers to have a consistent kratom experience and a clearer understanding of what they are purchasing.
Every batch of kratom can have significantly different alkaloid content due to the naturally harvested product. As a result, kratom can have relatively different effects between batches.
The benefits of kratom can also vary between colors. In general, green vein kratom provides a boost of energy. Red vein kratom, such as Red Maeng Da or Red Borneo kratom, is more suited for relaxation and sedative effects. White vein kratom provides a balance between energy and focus.
Super Speciosa takes a more transparent and objective approach by separating and grading different strains of kratom based on batches and alkaloid profiles.
- Super Speciosa signature product tests highest for mitragynine, sometimes above 1.4%.
- Maeng Da (regardless of color) tests higher than 1.0%.
- The Bali and Thai varieties usually test above 1.0% but may be as low as 0.5%.
Learn more about our strain terminology. If by any chance you are not satisfied with our product, all products come with a 30-day money-back guarantee for your peace of mind.

How to Use Different Types of Kratom Safely
Super Speciosa recommends all its kratom users consume no more than 2.4 grams of kratom powder per serving. This roughly equals 1 teaspoon and should not be taken more than twice in 24 hours. 5 kratom capsules and 8 tablets also equal one serving size.
You can also calculate the exact mitragynine percentage to adjust your serving size with each new batch.
Some kratom vendors carry kratom extracts, which are concentrated with alkaloids. With kratom extracts, it’s best to start with small serving sizes, as the effects can be strong.
Remember less is more for stimulating effects of kratom. Regular tolerance breaks are also necessary to avoid the risks of developing tolerance and dependence.
Kratom Storage Instructions
Super Speciosa’s kratom products have been tested to remain fresh for up to 2 years. However, proper storage is essential to avoid any loss in potency.
- Keep your kratom away from direct sunlight, dampness, and moisture.
- Store your kratom in airtight containers such as glass jars or plastic bags.
Kratom Safety and Potential Side Effects
Super Speciosa urges everyone to use kratom safely as it has not yet been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a dietary supplement.
Heavy use of kratom may lead to side effects such as nausea, drowsiness, constipation, itchiness, headache, or weight loss. Taking kratom in combination with other substances is also potentially dangerous. Kratom supplements are not intended to help with opioid withdrawal symptoms in which case FDA-approved therapies should be pursued.
If you are on medication, make sure to consult your healthcare provider for medical advice. Kratom is also not suitable for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Is Kratom Legal in my State?
Kratom is not legal everywhere in the United States of America. In some states, cities, and counties, it is a controlled or scheduled substance. Super Speciosa doesn’t ship to any address where kratom is illegal.
States where kratom is illegal: Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin.
Cities and counties where kratom is currently illegal: Sarasota County, FL, Union County, MS, San Diego, CA, Jerseyville, IL, Oceanside, CA, and Ontario, OR.
Visit to learn more about kratom legislation or support the American Kratom Association actively working to protect access to kratom.
Thank you for reading the Super Speciosa's top kratom strains for energy and focus. We hope this helps narrow down your search in finding the best kratom that's right for you.
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